

Lake District


North Yorkshire

North Wales



About Summiteer

~Pendle Hill~

23rd July 2010

It has been a month and a bit since I was last on Pendle Hill. A combination of late sunsets, garden work and poor weather has kept me away, but this fine evening and a feeling that I didn't want a calendar month to pass without a summit visit, persuaded me to make it ascent number 17 for 2010....


That is the question!

Scroll down for photos and a description of the walk


Start Point

Roadside parking at 20:00hrs, Pendle Hill is behind me and I'm looking towards Lower Black Moss Res.


Black Moss Reservoirs

This photo is taken from my customary pause half way up the steps. The lower reservoir is half-empty, or maybe half-full, depending on your point of view.

Sheep on Pendle

Local Residents

Look behind the sheep and you will see the long, sharp edge to Pendle Hill's shadow.

The Stile on Pendle

The Stile

The situation at the stile is another pause point for me to observe. I'm too early for the sunset tonight and the horizon looks a little untidy.

Trig on Pendle

Spot The Difference!

Well spotted. The Trig Point has had a coat of paint since my last visit. Well Done! to whoever took the time and trouble. No, they haven't missed a bit, that's the little plate with all the details on - a must for trig baggers.

Pendle Trig

Another View

Lower Ogden Reservoir

Lower Ogden Reservoir

I haven't been using a hosepipe, honest. I wonder how much water is lost to evaporation from the surface of the reservoir?

Pendle View

Hot Potato

Upper centre of the photo shows the new Marsden Heights School (or college or acadmey or whatever they are going to call it), almost ready for pupils (or customers or students or whatever). One of half a dozen or so such projects in this area that were fast-tracked by the previous government. Comiserations to those who've mist out in the "cuts", these buildings are fantastic comapred with the old ones and the kids will shurely get better tort.

Moon Pendle


Edge of Pendle

The Edge of Pendle Hill

End of walk

End Point

It is now 21:10 and time for the short trip, 20 minutes or so, to home. How many moons can you see?

Pownalls Mill

Pownall's Mill Chimney

William Pownall Carpets used to occupy the mill at Spen Brook, Newchurch-In-Pendle, but they've gone off now to be part of Ryalux. The mill is empty, but locals have placed a bright light at the top of the chimney, which shines brightly from dusk to dawn. A bit like a Belisha Beacon, only the wrong colour. And not on a metal pole, nor by the side of a highway.

Walkers: Just Me

Time taken: 1hrs 10mins over about 3 miles.

Route: Roadside, shortest route up to the top via the steps. Across the top and down the gentler slope on the left-hand side.

Weather and conditions: Sunny, no breeze..

Greetings Count: Just a handful of other walkers. I had the top to myself, which is just the way I like it.

Richard's Refreshment Review: Not today, thank-you.

All photos copyright Richard Ratcliffe 2010 ©

Take me back to the start ....

Take me home....